Confidence fitness magnetic manual treadmill
Confidence Fitness Magnetic Manual Treadmill really is perfect for maintaining fitness. The magnetic belt runs smoothly and quietly without interruptions and is adjusted at various levels. The incline is just right and gentle walking will be quite comfortable with very little effort. Just a few minutes of brisk walking burns lots of calories.
There is also a heart rate monitor built into the console. It records your heart rate and compares it with the stored data. The more closely you follow the program, the better your fitness will be. It is easy to use as all the buttons are easily accessible. In fact the Confidence Fitness Magnetic Manual Treadmill even has a special feature where it remembers your session’s speed, distance, time you last used the machine and more.
There is no need to stop every so often as the motor on the Confidence Fitness Magnetic Manual Treadmill needs a little help to start off. It uses a reversing mechanism to keep the wheels turning. These reversing mechanisms can only be found on manual models and are operated by the turning of the wheels. One feature that is missing on an automatic treadmill and that is the reverse function.
The Confidence Fitness Magnetic Manual Treadmill comes with a huge eight levels incline to work the entire upper body. This helps to build confidence and stamina. The eight levels provide a good challenge to the exerciser and help build up the muscle mass too. The Confidence Fitness Magnetic Manual Treadmill has a very reasonable price tag and is very light in weight. It is compact, which is suitable for people who do not want too much baggage when moving on their exercise machines.
A manual treadmill is a slower version of the automatic ones, running at three and a half speeds. The main difference between the two is that the automatic treadmills come with a built in electronic timer while the manual treadmill requires one’s own running speed and incline. Automatic treadmills usually have a wide running area and an incline which make it easier for people to go for a long run or a series of short distance workouts. Manual models have smaller running areas and less incline and so they are more suitable for shorter duration workouts.
One of the best features of the Confidence Fitness Magnetic Manual Treadmill is that this piece of equipment comes with a huge workout center where you can do a variety of exercises. This workout center includes workouts such as the bike ride, bike compression, jump rope, stair master, abdominal crunches and many more. With a total workout area of sixteen, it is easy to burn off about six hundred calories per hour using the Confidence Fitness Magnetic Treadmill. This is one of the best features of the treadmills as it helps you to burn more calories in a lesser amount of time.
The construction of this treadmill is of high quality and it is made of rubber covered steel. It has an aluminum plate on all the four corners and there is a cover made of neoprene. The treadmill parts are also covered by a one year warranty. This means that if there are any defective pieces in this item then you will get them replaced for free.
The LCD screen has a clear display and is touch sensitive, allowing you to operate it easily. This model of the Confidence Fitness Magnetic Treadmill has a built in multi-function computer which helps you keep track of your calories burned, distance covered and time spent on each exercise. The LCD screen has a very large viewing area of 16 inches. It is bright and has an easy to understand layout. The LCD screen also has a back light, which helps you to see in low lighting environments.
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