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Get Fit On A Budget: 9 Options For The Best Elliptical Under $1000

Looking for the best elliptical under 1000$? If you still want a high-quality elliptical trainer to improve your shape and cardio fitness, you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top options available for your home gym, and all of them can offer great value without breaking the bank.

One standout model to consider is the SOLE Fitness E25. With its impressive features and performance, it’s widely regarded as one of the best elliptical trainers in its price range.

However, other excellent budget ellipticals here are also worth considering. Please, read more to see why.

SOLE Fitness E25 Elliptical MachineAdjustable stride length
Quiet magnetic resistance
Advanced console with workout programs
Heavy-duty frame construction
Ergonomic articulating foot pedals
[BODY POWER] – 2nd Gen, PATENTED 3 in 1 Exercise Machine3-in-1 design: elliptical, upright cycling, and reclined bike modes
Digital computer with targeted body part programs
Comfortable seat back cushion
Adjustable resistance levels
Compact and space-saving
Sunny Health & Fitness Legacy Stepping Elliptical MachineUltra-quiet magnetic belt drive
Total body cross-training
Low impact exercise
Optional Bluetooth connectivity
Large and comfortable foot pedals
Niceday Elliptical MachineHyper-quiet magnetic driving system
16 levels of resistance
High 400 lbs (181 kg) weight capacity
Sturdy and durable construction
Smooth elliptical motion
ANCHEER Under Desk Elliptical Machine ElectricElectric leg pedal exerciser
Remote control operation
Large pedal size
LCD monitor for tracking
Portable for home and office
Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Elliptical Cross-TrainerDigital monitor
Low impact workout
Pulse sensors
Magnetic resistance system
Compact and space-saving
Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Exercise Machine TrainerOptional SunnyFit app with enhanced Bluetooth
Exclusive SunnyFit app content
Digital monitor
Enhanced workout tracking
Optional exclusive access
Elliptical Stepper Machine for Home2-in-1 stair climber and stepper
8 levels of resistance
Digital display
Compact and space-saving
Safe and ergonomic

SOLE Fitness E25 Elliptical Machine

Overall best – 4.5 out of 5 stars.

SOLE Fitness’s family of ellipticals offers powerful options for every wallet, but only two of them fit the $1000 money limit, and they both are amazing.

The cheapest one, E20, has a lower weight capacity (275 lbs), and a relatively humbler set of features with a $600 price tag. But play harder and spend $900, and you will get its bigger sister E25 with 350 lbs weight capacity – the overall best elliptical on our list.

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Both E20 and E25 offer quality matching the rest of the SOLE model line, but let’s focus on the best possible choice.

Undoubtedly, the SOLE Fitness E25 elliptical machine is one of the best ellipticals under $1000 in the market. Its impressive features and solid build quality offer an excellent workout experience without breaking the bank, all while its stride length can be adjusted to suit different users.

Its smooth and natural motion mimics running without putting excessive stress on your joints.The low-impact workout reduces the risk of joint injuries while still delivering effective cardiovascular exercise.

With robust construction, it can support users of varying sizes and weights, ensuring stability and durability during intense workouts. The machine’s functionality allows for a full-body workout, making it an ideal choice for those aiming for a comprehensive fitness routine.

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In terms of performance, the E25 offers a range of 20 resistance levels to challenge and push your fitness boundaries. Whether a beginner or an old-timer, these settings allow you to customize your workout intensity and burn calories effectively. The built-in workout programs offer additional convenience and variety, catering to different needs, goals, and preferences.

Users appreciate the E25’s durable construction and the overall quality of the elliptical machine, its performance, and affordability,

Yet, some users have reported minor downsides: the machine’s stride length may not suit taller users, as it could feel slightly restrictive. Occasional issues with resistance settings or software connectivity may also take place.

However, this can be quickly addressed through proper maintenance and firmware updates.


  • Smooth and quiet operation
  • Sturdy and durable construction
  • Wide range of resistance settings
  • Enhanced console with advanced features
  • More preset workout programs
  • Adjustable stride length


  • Limited preset programs
  • Basic console features
  • May require more space compared to other models
  • Assembly may be challenging for some users

[BODY POWER] – 2nd Gen, PATENTED 3 in 1 Exercise Machine

Best multi-functional – 4.3 out of 5 stars.

The [BODY POWER] – 2nd Gen, PATENTED 3 in 1 Exercise Machine is a versatile and innovative trainer with a lot to offer.

With its patented design, this machine combines three exercises into one (an elliptical trainer, an upright stationary cycle, and a recumbent bike), providing a convenient and efficient solution for your fitness needs for a humble price of $300-$350.

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Built with sturdy construction and long-lasting materials, this is a truly durable elliptical machine. Its solid build quality guarantees stability and enables you to push your limits hard. The adjustable seat and handlebars offer customizable comfort, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your exercise session.

Users love its functionality and ergonomic design. Smooth and fluid motion minimizes joint stress and reduces the risk of injuries. Whether you want to improve cardiovascular endurance, strengthen your leg muscles, or burn calories, this machine caters to your needs.

The intuitive console and user-friendly interface make operating the trainer a breeze. The clear display provides real-time feedback on time, distance, speed, calories burned, and pulse rate.

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With built-in workout programs, you can add variety to your training sessions while easily tracking your progress. With all this, it is a great low-budget elliptical affordable for any home gym.

Some buyers find the assembly process time-consuming, but by following the instructions carefully you will be able to set it up just fine. Some rare users insist the seat is slightly uncomfortable during long workouts. However, these are very minor downsides that get outshined by the overall positive features and benefits of the model.


  • Versatile 3-in-1 design
  • Targets different body parts
  • A digital computer for tracking
  • Compact and space-saving
  • Good value for the price


  • The noticeable learning curve for modes
  • Limited resistance choices
  • Basic console features
  • Seat comfort may vary

Sunny Health & Fitness Legacy Stepping Elliptical Machine

Best low-impact – 4.2 out of 5 stars.

The Legacy Stepping Elliptical Machine by SHF is the best elliptical under $1000 if you seek low-impact training. With adjustable levels of resistance and built-in programs catering to different workout preferences, it’s perfect for users of all levels.

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The 15/17-43 stride length ensures comfortable and adequate exercise. This elliptical trainer targets both lower and upper body muscles, providing a good workout for your whole body.

It’s durable and can support a maximum weight capacity of 265 lbs. The resistance system uses magnetic technology to ensure a smooth and quiet workout, while the compact design and transport wheels allow for easy storage.

Despite being one of the low-budget elliptical machines ($220-$270), it offers enough levels of resistance and workout programs to keep you challenged. The lightweight device is perfect for any home gym as it doesn’t take up much space.

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While this piece of equipment may lack some additional features like a water bottle holder or compatibility with fitness apps, this machine offers an affordable price and excellent value, making it stand out among the best ellipticals with the lowest of budgets. It provides a great cardio workout and targets every major muscle group.


  • Total body cross trainer with stepping motion
  • Ultra-quiet magnetic belt drive
  • Low-impact exercise equipment
  • Compact design
  • Optional Bluetooth connectivity


  • Limited resistance level options
  • Basic console features
  • Fewer workout program options
  • Stepping motion may be less familiar or comfortable

Niceday Elliptical Machine

Best heavy-duty – 4.1 out of 5 stars.

The Niceday Elliptical Machine is the best elliptical under $1000 for heavy-duty tasks, offering a variety of features. With its 15.17-43-inch stride length, it provides a smooth and natural motion, making it suitable for users of different heights.

This elliptical has an impressive weight capacity of 400 pounds, ensuring stability and durability during intense workouts. This alone, and of course effective lower and upper body training, makes it one of the best elliptical trainers under $1,000 on the market ($800).

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Its 16 built-in programs stand out as a way to have a great workout with any fitness level. With adjustable resistance levels, it offers customizable training intensity. Whether you want a cardio-focused workout, to target a specific muscle group, this beast of a trainer has your needs covered.

The resistance system realized through the powerful magnetic technology provides a smooth and quiet operation.

In terms of design, this is one of the most compact and lightweight elliptical machines, ideal for home gyms with limited space. It also features transport wheels, making it easy to move around when needed.

It has a price range of $600-$800, and by spending it you get a trainer that will last for years and years. Users value its approach to low-impact cardio workout that is gentle on the joints while engaging major muscle groups.

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It’s not the cheapest option, but it certainly is the best elliptical under $1000 if a guarantee of a durable elliptical is what you need.

As for some drawbacks, not all users are thrilled with the lack of fitness apps or streaming workouts. Anyway, if you’re choosing between affordable elliptical machines that are supposed to deliver on both performance and durability, the Niceday Elliptical Machine is a solid option to consider.


  • Quiet magnetic driving system
  • 16 resistance levels
  • 400 lb weight limit
  • Compact design
  • Good value


  • Limited advanced features
  • Basic console display
  • Fewer preset workout programs
  • Less adjustable stride length

ANCHEER Under Desk Elliptical Machine Electric

Best for office – 4 out of 5 stars.

The ANCHEER Under Desk Elliptical Machine Electric is an excellent compact machine available for just under $220. Versatile design and silent operation offer convenient and customizable elliptical training for the home and office.

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Without the upper part occupying precious space, this is an optimal elliptical training machine for those who can’t afford to place a total body workout device due to space limits.

It has adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to fine-tune your workout intensity. Whether you prefer a gentle workout to improve your cardio stamina, or a more intense session to melt away some calories, this durable piece of fitness equipment can cater to your needs perfectly.

With its built-in programs for various workouts, you can easily diversify your fitness routine. These programs are designed to target various lower body muscles. The monitor lets you track your progress, including metrics like calories burned, distance, and time.

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While not targeting the upper body, it is the best elliptical on such a tiny budget for those with mobility issues who need rehabilitation. This elliptical machine can support users of weights up to 220 lbs, making it suitable for many users.

Its lightweight and compact design makes it easy to transport and store, perfect also for those who are always on the go.

Overall, it offers an affordable and effective training solution. Whether you’re looking to work on your cardio, tone your muscles, or burn fat, this elliptical trainer provides a convenient and efficient workout experience.


  • Electric operation for convenience
  • Portable and compact design
  • Remote control for easy adjustments
  • Large pedal size for comfortable use
  • LCD monitor for tracking progress


  • Limited resistance levels
  • Basic features compared to full-sized ellipticals
  • Not suitable for intense or advanced training

Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Elliptical Cross-Trainer

Best compact full-body – 3.9 out of 5 stars.

The SHF Magnetic Elliptical Cross-Trainer stands confident against the best ellipticals under $1,000, with its wide range of features. Sturdy construction provides a reliable and effective workout experience for users of all fitness levels – all around a price of $300.

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One of the notable features here is its highly adjustable resistance levels, whether you’re aiming for a low-impact cardio or a challenging full-body session. With its magnet-based resistance system, this cross-trainer operates silently, ensuring a quiet and seamless experience.

The smooth gliding motion and comfortable stride length provide a natural and efficient workout for both the upper and lower body while minimizing stress on your joints.

The cross-trainer comes equipped with a user-friendly console that displays essential workout metrics, including time, distance, speed, and calories burned.

The workout programs that are built-in offer variety and challenge, being the best elliptical to maximize the benefits of your workouts – if you want to elliptical burn belly fat or achieve any other demanding goal. Weight capacity, though, offersonly 220 lbs.

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This cross-trainer is designed with convenience in mind. It features transport wheels for easy maneuverability and a compact footprint that makes it the best elliptical for home gyms or limited spaces. The ergonomic handlebars provide a comfortable grip, and the adjustable foot pedals accommodate users of different heights.


  • Magnetic resistance for smooth and quiet operation
  • Digital monitor for tracking metrics
  • Low impact workout
  • Pulse sensors for heart rate monitoring
  • Compact design


  • Limited resistance levels
  • Basic console features
  • Stride length may not be ideal for taller users

Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Exercise Machine Trainer (with Optional Exclusive SunnyFit™ App and Enhanced Bluetooth Connectivity)

Best app integration – 3.8 out of 5 stars.

Another SHF’s elliptical among the best ellipticals under $1,000, this $600-worth exercise machine trainer is a remarkable piece of fitness equipment that boasts an array of features.

Robust build and smooth magnetic resistance deliver reliable and efficient full-body workout options for users at all fitness levels.

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The manufacturer offers two types of machines: Classic and Smart, both making it as best elliptical machines within our price range.

The Classic provides a traditional workout with adjustable resistance levels and a digital monitor.

The Smart model offers enhanced Bluetooth connectivity and the SunnyFit™ app for interactive training programs and progress tracking.

Utilizing a magnetic resistance system, this trainer operates quietly and smoothly, letting you exercise anytime without disturbing others. The fluid gliding motion and comfortable stride length ensure a natural and effective workout, engaging both the upper and lower body while minimizing joint stress.

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The user-friendly console of this elliptical trainer displays time, distance, speed, and calories burned. The built-in programs offer a range of options to add variety and challenge to your fitness routine.

Designed for convenience, this machine features transport wheels for easy maneuverability and a compact footprint that suits home gyms or limited spaces. The ergonomic handlebars provide a comfortable grip, and the adjustable foot pedals accommodate users of varying heights, ensuring customized and comfortable workouts.


  • SunnyFit™ App compatibility
  • Enhanced Bluetooth connectivity
  • Digital monitor for progress tracking
  • Low impact exercise
  • Pulse sensors for heart rate monitoring


  • App dependency
  • Limited resistance levels
  • Basic console

Elliptical Stepper Machine for Home by Body Power (Patented 2-in-1 Stair Climber, Stepper)

Best for high-intensity interval training – 3.7 out of 5 stars.

Body Power’s Elliptical Stepper Machine for Home 2-in-1 is a versatile and convenient fitness equipment that brings the benefits of both an elliptical and stepper machine into the comfort of your own home.

Costing $450 when not on sale, this machine offers a low-impact, full-body exercise experience that targets multiple muscle groups while minimizing strain on the joints.

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With its compact and space-saving design, it’s probably the best elliptical to fit seamlessly into any room. The machine is also lightweight and equipped with transport wheels, making it easy to move around and store.

Featuring adjustable resistance levels, it allows you to tailor the intensity of your workouts. It provides a smooth and fluid motion, ensuring comfortable and effective training. Another striking feature here is its high-intensity interval training (HIIT) support.

One of the key advantages of the Elliptical Stepper Machine is its ability to engage both the upper and lower body with its dual-action handlebars. You can work your arms, shoulders, and core muscles while targeting your legs and glutes simultaneously.

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The user-friendly console displays essential workout data such as time, distance, speed, and calories burned, allowing you to track your progress and stay motivated.

Additionally, the built-in heart rate sensors enable you to monitor your heart rate during workouts, ensuring that you stay within your target zone for optimal training results.


  • 2-in-1 design (stair climber and stepper)
  • HIIT training capability
  • Compact and space-saving
  • 8 levels of resistance
  • Safe and ergonomic


  • Limited features compared to dedicated ellipticals
  • Basic console
  • Limited range of motion

Choose an elliptical machine based on your fitness goals and needs

When selecting the best elliptical under $1,000 or budget ellipticals, it’s essential to align your fitness goals and needs with the right equipment. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Goal alignment. Choose an elliptical that matches your weight loss, cardiovascular health, or muscle toning goals.
  2. Workout intensity. Opt for an elliptical with adjustable resistance for personalized workout intensity.
  3. Space and Size: Consider your home or workout area’s space and choose a compact elliptical.
  4. User comfort. Prioritize features like adjustable stride length, ergonomic handlebars, and cushioned foot pedals for a comfortable workout.
  5. Budget considerations. Find an elliptical that fits your desired features within your price range.

Key features of an elliptical trainer

Once you are clear about what you want from an elliptical, the next step is to determine what actual features to look for in your ideal model. Consider these features carefully: some of them will surely be defined to your experience, while others may not be necessary while making the price go up.

Stride length

A suitable stride length is crucial for comfortable and natural movement during workouts. Look for an elliptical machine with an adjustable or appropriate stride length based on your height and preference.

Resistance levels

Having a wide range of resistance levels allows you to adjust the intensity of your workouts, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Console and display

A clear and user-friendly console display provides essential workout information at a glance, allowing you to track your progress and stay motivated during your workouts.

Durability and stability

A sturdy frame and overall construction ensure the elliptical machine’s stability and longevity, especially if you plan on engaging in intense workouts or have a higher body weight.

Heart rate monitoring

The ability to monitor your heart rate during workouts can help you stay within your target heart rate zone for efficient and effective cardiovascular training.

Pedal design and comfort

Comfortable and properly sized pedals minimize the risk of discomfort or foot slippage during workouts, ensuring a smooth and safe exercise experience.

Additional features

Noise levels and smooth operation

When choosing an elliptical machine, noise levels and smooth operation are crucial factors to consider.

Excessive noise can disrupt your surroundings and affect your workout experience, so opt for a low-noise model for a quieter exercise session. Smooth motion ensures comfortable workouts, reducing joint impact and providing a low-impact option.

To assess noise levels and smooth operation:

Where to gather user feedback and expert reviews?

It can confuse where and how to look for good info regarding your elliptical. Try and visit the following online places to make sure you gathered the most objective information, opinions, and reviews before investing in a trainer:

Online retailer websites. Explore customer reviews and ratings on specific elliptical trainer models from reputable online retailers.

Manufacturer websites. Find valuable insights from customer testimonials on official manufacturer websites.

Fitness and review websites. Discover expert evaluations, comparisons, and recommendations on elliptical trainers from trusted fitness websites and review platforms.

Social media and online communities. Engage with fitness enthusiasts in online groups and forums to gather recommendations and feedback on elliptical trainers.

Fitness magazines and publications. Gain in-depth knowledge and expert opinions on elliptical trainers through articles and reviews in reputable fitness publications.

Personal recommendations. Seek advice from friends, family, and colleagues with personal experience with elliptical trainers.

With this level of research, you can be sure your purchase won’t be a regret since you likely will discover all sorts of possible problems and make a smart choice that is right for you in every respect.

Long-term value and warranty coverage

Ensure durability, reliability, and peace of mind by evaluating the elliptical machine’s long-term value and warranty coverage.

By understanding these crucial aspects, you can confidently invest in an elliptical that offers lasting performance and comprehensive protection.

Long-term value. When considering the long-term value of an elliptical, prioritize machines with solid construction and positive customer reviews. These are good indicators your investment won’t be a waste.

Warranty coverage. Checking for comprehensive coverage including parts and labor. Review the duration, terms, and any limitations. A robust warranty means the manufacturer believes in their product – why shouldn’t you?

Customer support. Researching a manufacturer’s reputation for customer support is essential. A responsive and helpful customer support team can address any issues you may have.

Extended warranty options. Evaluate the benefits and costs of extended warranty options. Consider the expected lifespan of the machine and your need for extra coverage. Ensure that the cost aligns with your long-term maintenance needs, granting you an extra level of reassurance.


Which is the best elliptical machine for home use?

The best elliptical for home use combines durability, smooth operation, adjustable features, and comprehensive workout programs to meet your fitness goals.
Seeking all of the above without having to spend four figures, consider the SOLE Fitness E25 Elliptical Machine. One of the best ellipticals under $1,000 out there, it combines durability, versatile design, advanced console, and smooth operation to take your workouts to the next level.

What will 20 minutes on the elliptical do?

A 20-minute session on the elliptical can provide an effective cardiovascular workout, burning calories, improving heart health, and boosting overall fitness. It engages multiple muscle groups, increases endurance, and can contribute to weight management when combined with a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine.

Is it worth buying an elliptical?

Buying an elliptical can be worth it if you enjoy low-impact, full-body workouts at home. The best elliptical for you offers convenient, versatile exercise options, and can support weight loss, cardiovascular health, and muscle toning. Consider your training goals, budget, and available space to make an informed decision.


After everything we had to look into, we decided that the SOLE Fitness E25 is one of the best ellipticals under $1,000 and the best we could find.

Offering unmatched quality and performance, it offers a well-rounded combo of features good enough for virtually anyone.

While it claims the top spot, it’s worth considering other exceptional options to find your perfect fit. Explore the vast array of elliptical machines and unlock the potential for an elevated fitness journey. Embrace the excitement of discovering the ideal elliptical that propels you toward your goals.

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