Introduction to Nordic Track Rowing Machine
Nordic Track Rowing Machine is one of the new names in fitness equipment and that is quite fitting because it provides a complete workout that can be done at home without having to pay a trainer a fee to come train you.
If you are still paying someone to train you then you need to seriously think about cutting costs and setting up an exercise room for yourself. Nordic Track Rowing Machine Review is all about how you can get your own Nordic Track Rowing Machine and give yourself a complete workout in the comfort of your home.
This machine is really worth its weight in gold because it can give you years of professional row training without the need to pay an arm and a leg for professional services or equipment.
Unique Features
One of the unique features of this machine is the adjustable resistance level. You can set the resistance level to whatever level you feel comfortable with to get the most out of the workout.
It is pretty easy to adjust and makes the Nordic rower one of the more user friendly machines around. Another unique feature is the water bottle holder on the handle bars which allows the user to fill up their bottles or have water waiting for them while they row.
Pricing and Features
The machine is reasonably priced for its class and features include a remote control with Nordic’s Red Light indication system so you can see exactly where you are in a particular row.
This is very helpful when you are starting out because it will let you know how far you have gone without you having to stop to get the measurement. There is also a heart rate monitor included with the machine to give you an accurate readout of your heart rate throughout the workout.
There is a small storage compartment under the seat for keys and other personal items. This can make it very convenient for a person who is short on space.
Quality and Construction
The quality of Nordic Track Rowing Machines is very good and they are well made with quality parts. Most of the reviews say that the construction is good and that there is nothing damaged but you might want to look into that a bit closer.
Some reviews do say that the welds are not perfect so that might be something to watch out for when purchasing this type of machine.
Size and Weight Limitations
You need to know about the size and weight limitations before making a final purchase so read any product reviews and make sure the product is what you are looking for.
Nordic does not make a huge mistake by building a smaller machine but instead they try to cover a larger area with less surface area. This is not a bad thing but if you are a small person you may have a hard time using this machine.
Price Range and Comparison Shopping
The price range of Nordic Track Rowing Machines varies depending on the model. The bigger the machine the more features it will have. The more features you get, the higher the price will be.
The most expensive rower is the Ultramax rower. It comes complete with a flywheel, oar, grip and a throttle. It also has a programmable digital electronic control and an onboard console that will allow you to set the various programs that you want to run on the machine.
You should do some comparison shopping when looking at any Nordic track rowing machines. Compare prices between model and different companies that sell the unit.
There are many companies that sell Nordic rowers so make sure you find a good company by checking with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) customer reviews and references. Also make sure that you know what you want and need from your machine before you buy.
Making an Informed Purchase
Take your time and don’t rush into a purchase. Remember that this is an investment in you and your health or injury will be well worth it. If you are not sure what you want or what type of machine you want there is an excellent section of Nordic Rowing Machine Reviews online that can help you decide.
There are reviews on both the Ultramax and the Deluxe rowers and also reviews on singles and doubles. Nordic is a leading manufacturer of equipment for competitive rowers and they have many models to choose from.
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