What is elliptical orbit
A: It is hard to answer this question without knowing what is elliptical orbit. It is an elliptical orbit is an orbit around an object. It goes round as the speed of spin increases or decreases. Thus, for any two objects that are spinning around each other, there is an elliptical orbit that will result.
Q: I found an online calculator which gives the apoapsis, your minimum and maximum orbital velocities at various angular positions. Does this take into consideration your relationship to the earth or only your reference frame? Also, can you specify the apoapsis angle or can you use any angle. Thanks.
A: You can specify your own reference frame, if you’d rather. Your reference frame can be the earth, or it can be a spinning satellite, for instance. Using your own reference frame is a great way to get a feel for the concept of the circular orbit. With a satellite spinning near the equator, the satellites circular orbit would look like a corkscrew directed down the shaft of the satellite, while at the poles, it would look like a very narrow corkscrew pointed straight up. So, if you’re used to viewing satellites from Earth you’ll understand this difference.
However, it is important to understand that not all celestial bodies spinning around the earth have equator-neclums or a plane that parallels the ecliptic latitude. For instance, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn do not circle around the planes of their parent planet. If you had a planet rotating about one of those inner planets, what would be the orientation of the ellipses of the orbit? This is a problem for our calculation of how they will form an orbit around the sun. It will be very important that you understand what causes these discrepancies.
What is also confusing to many students is that there is some sort of mathematical complication involved in calculating the effects of gravitational pull on any two elliptical orbits, for instance, considering only the mutual orientation of the orbiting objects. This is one of the biggest problems for calculating elliptical orbits in astronomy, because it’s hard to determine the properties of such orbits without taking into account the alignment of the mass of the two celestial bodies involved. Many students find it easier to work with the simpler, planetary coordinate systems. However, even those systems still aren’t good enough when you have to take into consideration the effects of tidal forces and the presence of clouds, which play a role in affecting the orientation of the orbital plane. This is why you should use a program which combines both programs, so that you can get as much input as you need, as well as being able to save the results for further analysis.
An elliptical orbit is created by an object moving with a constant velocity around an axis, with each point on the orbit being at a different rotation about the axis. The speed of the satellite varies as it revolves around the axis. If the satellite were to rotate faster than it moves, the result would be an eccentric orbit. With a better software program, you can include the effects of orbital eccentricity, which can often make a big difference in determining the actual direction and location of your satellite in orbit.
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